
Five Keys to More Effective Fertilizer Use

by Darin Moon

As growers continue to seek better varieties, equipment and technology, we should bring the same focus to crop nutrition.

All too often, standard operating procedure for many growers involves large amounts of fertilizer, applied liberally. This is inefficient and a missed opportunity for farmers to reap the rewards that come with a more thoughtful, targeted approach.

Growers are in the business of purchasing energy in the form of fertilizer, and it is only going to get more expensive in the years ahead. Actively pursuing a better plan in this area is not only prudent, it also helps a grower’s bottom line.

To boost your input efficiency, it is important to understand these five action steps for fertilizer in soil:

Growers should ask themselves how well their fertility plans are achieving these five areas.

I should caution that using synthetic fertilizer without a carbon source won’t get the job done. Always seek out the best carbon source you can find.

If you simply carry out the old guard approach to fertilizer, you will get less in return. It would be like putting low grade fuel in a Ferrari. A newer, more efficient approach will also help you meet sustainability goals. With our 30 years of research and leadership in this space, we have dozens of bio-active, carbon-based products, both conventional and organic. We have spent 30 years developing and perfecting these products to effectively meet your fertilizer needs and to provide the healthiest environment for your crops to thrive.

Darin Moon
Darin Moon is the Founder, Owner and CEO of Redox Bio-Nutrients
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